Fastator’s holding company Företagsparken continues on its successful growth
journey and carries out a new cash issue of SEK 55 million to a few new shareholders.
The largest individual investors are Manne and Petter Boström via Peritas.
The new issue takes place at Företagsparken’s latest net asset value.
We have followed Fastator and are impressed by their way of building
companies in growth segments.
From analysis to starting Företagsparken from scratch,
to a property value of SEK 800 million at the beginning of last year
to over SEK 5 billion.
We very much look forward to further growth in Företagsparken from up close
when we now join the group of shareholders, comments Petter Boström, CEO at Peritas.
Företagsparken continues on the same path and follows up the share issue
to Claes Kockum around the turn of the year by now welcoming additional shareholders.
It is particularly gratifying that Manne and Petter Boström are coming in
as new shareholders, people I have had the privilege of working with in the past
and who are very talented entrepreneurs, comments Knut Pousette, CEO at Fastator